
Thursday, 15 December 2011

Club Penguin Holiday Party 2011 Cheats

Today, Club Penguin has released the annual Holiday party for the year of 2011. The Holiday party contains lots of features and free items! We have covered all the cheats for you. This post includes the new pin, the sleigh ride, bakery, 12 days of Christmas, Coins For Change, Rockhopper's items and more.

Here is the Holiday party 2011 cheats video made by me, Akif124:

Here are the cheats for the Holiday party 2011:

Santa's Sled:

There is a new game only for the Holiday party that only members can play. You get to ride on Santa's sled! You can find this at the Dance Lounge. Your mission is to deliver 12 gifts to igloos. Once you've done that, you will receive a prize.

(Picture coming soon)


A puzzle that Club Penguin has made only for the Holiday party! This can be found at the Dance Lounge and is only available for members. Waddle to the aprons to get a free item. 

(Picture coming soon)

 After that, click the yellow button on the oven for a free item.

(Picture coming soon)

12 Days Of Christmas:

The 12 days of Christmas on Club Penguin is earning a prize everyday on Club Penguin for the next 12 days! It's at the Forest. Today is December 15, so click on the 15th to get today's prize! Check back tomorrow to get tomorrow's prize.

(Picture coming soon)

Coins For Change:

Donate your coins on Club Penguin to Coins For Change and Club Penguin will pay real money to which ever place/foundation you donated to! You can donate to Build Safe Places, Protect The Earth, and Provide Medical Help. Once you donate, you obtain the Coins For Change pin.

(Picture coming soon)


Rockhopper is coming for a visit for the Holiday party! His ship is at the Beach and you can check out his rare catalog. He will be waddling around Club Penguin so penguins can meet him! Use our tracker to meet him:http://TheClubPenguinPalace.blogspot.com

Those are all the cheats for the Holiday party 2011! This is my most favorite party! Club Penguin was so generous they actually let non-members get 12 free items (from the 12 days of Christmas)! I heard one of them is a body item! I love this party, how about you? Comment below!

TheClubPenguinPalace.blogspot.com Owner

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