
The Team

On this page, you will find all the hard working authors that post for this site! Authors are people that post Club Penguin cheats, guides, news, and more. Here are a list of all the authors, with a little biography about themselves and their penguin picture.

Akif124 - Owner:
 I'm Akif124,
I own TheClubPenguinPalace and The Club Penguin Cheatingz Crew. I provide you with the latest Club Penguin cheats by posts and videos. I like to mix music, make and edit videos, and I love talking to all of you guys. I hope to see you soon on Club Penguin.

Crazytiger54 - Co-owner:
I'm Crazytiger54,
I'm co-owner of TheClubPenguinPalace and The Club Penguin Cheatingz Crew. I'm a professional GFX designer & blogger. I love to make graphics, hang out with friends, and listen to music. I own my own graphics site, http://clubpenguingraphicsss.wordpress.com/ . Be sure to visit it and I hope you see me around on Club Penguin!

Ghertomp - Staff Member:
Hey, I'm Ghertomp. I'm the lead graphical designer of The Club Penguin Cheatingz crew and I am a staff member of The Club Penguin Palace. I love to make graphics, edit videos, and play around. You can find me on Twitter by following @GhertompCp. I own a website, it's http://clubpenguincheatzplace.wordpress.com/. My YouTube is http://YouTube.com/GhertompCP. If you see me on Club Penguin, shoot me a Hello!

Bba12 - Staff Member:
Hi, I'm Bba12. I'm a video producer for the Club Penguin Cheatingz crew and I'm a staff member of The Club Penguin Palace. I'm very nice and I always talk to everyone! I make really cool graphics and make awesome videos. My Twitter is @Bba12CP. My YouTube is http://YouTube.com/ClubPenguinNewsBba12. Hope to see you soon!

DogTime - Staff Member:
I'm DogTime - the 2nd graphical designer for the Club Penguin Cheatingz crew. I love to make Headers, Navbars, YouTube BG's, Logo's, Twitter icons, and more! Follow me on Twitter by clicking @DogTimeCP. Make sure to visit my graphics website, http://dogtimegraphics.blogspot.com/.

Dizzyrex - Staff Member:
Biography and picture coming soon.

Dodgers4 - Author:
Biography and picture coming soon.

Peacepen11 - Author:
Biography and picture coming soon.

Dust557 - Author:
Biography and picture coming soon.

King58697 - Author:
Biography and picture coming soon.

Fantayum1 - Author:

Hello! I'm Fanta Yum1 a Club Penguin Blogger, I am an author on The Club Penguin Palace, I work for several blogs. I'm also a friendly & chatty guy. I also have a Twitter:
http://twitter.com/#!/FantaYum1 and a blog: http://clubpenguinlakers.wordpress.com/. If you see my on Club Penguin, don't be afraid to say Hi!