1. Talk to Aunt Arctic.
2. Go to the Ski Rink and right and get the Green Puffle Pictures.
3. Go back to Aunt Arctic’s igloo and give her the Green Puffle pictures.
4. Go to the Pet Shop and scroll left until you see a brown puffle house, then code the note.
5. Go to the Sport Shop.
6. Talk to Gary, he will ask you how many sock he has, type in the number of socks on the note. (The one you decoded on Step 4)
7. Gary will open a cabinet, grab the life preserver shooter.
8. Go to the Iceberg.
9. Drag your life preserver shooter at the penguins, then save them and pay attention of the direction the wind is blowing.
10. Talk to the green penguin after you save the penguins at the Iceberg.
11. Go to the Ski Hill and talk to the Brown Penguin.
12. Go to your spy phone, click tools and grab the wrench and drag it to the telescope.
13. Look through the telescope and scroll left until you see a green puffle flying around a mountain peak.
14. Go to the Sport shop and get the grappling hook.
15. Go to the Tallest Mountain on your map, stroll up and then grab your grappling hook and drag it to the peak.
16. When you arrive you will talk to the green puffle, then it will take you back to Aunt Arctic’s igloo, finish talking to her.
17. Earn your awards, then click End Mission.