
How To Become A Water Ninja

To become a Water Ninja, you need to have these two requirements.
  • You need to be a Member
  • You must be a Ninja
Once you have all this requirements, you are ready to begin your Water Ninja journey.
  1. Go to the Ninja Hideout
  2. Click on the Card Jitsu Water stone, to get in the Water Dojo
3. Go to the Water Dojo, and talk to the Sensei. He will talk to you about Card Jitsu Water, and give you some cards to start with.
The main objective is to be fast and to beat your opponents. You have to pick a card from the cards that are coming below, and use them to defeat the element that is in front of you. For example: If you get a stone with fire in front, use a water card, you put it out of fire, and go further.
Your objective is to go as fast as you can until you reach the bong. Your goal is to be fast so people can’t get passed you. Once you hit the bong, you’ll get first place. Then, the people who are closer, will get second, and so on, until fourth place.
Before you master the element of water, you need to know what uniforms you need to get, before you master the element of water.
Once you have gotten all of these four items, you have mastered the element of water, and you will be an official Club Penguin Water Ninja.