
Better Igloos

Club Penguin has released a new edition of the Better Igloos catalog! This catalog is Card Jitsuthemed for the Card Jitsu party coming soon. There are lots of cheats for this catalog, and we have them all covered! Here are all the cheats for the new catalog:

Page 1 cheats:
Ninja Cauldron
Training Dummy

Page 2 cheats
Modern Couch
Modern Chair

Page 3 cheats
Wall Clock
Green Birdhouse
Blue Birdhouse

Club Penguin has released a new edition of the Better Igloos catalog! This catalog is Halloween themed. There are lots of cheats for this catalog, and we have them all covered! Here are all the cheats for the new catalog:

Page 1 Cheats:
Terrifying Tissue Ghost
Control Terminal
Iron Chandelier
Plasma Ball

To get find these items, look at the red circles below:

Page 2 cheats:
Laboratory Desk
Perched Puffle Statue
Crystal Ball

Page 3 cheats:
Torn Carpet
Spider Web
Pile O' Goo

You now know all the cheats for the October-November 2011 Better Igloos catalog! I love this catalog, the Halloween items are awesome! Do you like this catalog? What are your favorite items? Let us know by commenting below!

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